

The Orvis Guide to Hatch Strategies

The definitive and comprehensive guide to strategies for fishing insect hatches on trout streams throughout the world.

One of the most studied yet intimidating aspects of fly fishing for trout is an understanding of insect hatches. This unique book teaches fly fishers enough entomology to be successful, and instead of focusing on insect identification, it stresses learning how to approach trout, how to find where they feed, and how to present the fly so it is accepted as natural food without hesitation. It helps fly fishers catch more fish on dry flies, streamers, and nymphs, and teaches the angler more about trout than the life history of insects.

Chapters include a basic overview of entomology, how trout feed, how currents affect trout, how to read the water, and how to predict hatches and find trout feeding on them. There is also a selection of flies that will imitate a myriad of insects to fool fish no matter what species they are feeding on. In addition, The Orvis Guide to Hatch Strategies debunks common myths and stresses that fly fishing for trout during hatches is enjoyable and intellectually stimulating—not a chore.


Hardcover, 208 pages

  • MidCurrent Books

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