Pop Fleyes is the first and only book dedicated to the revolutionary techniques using epoxy and silicone that transformed saltwater fly tying. Over the past three decades, Bob Popovics has developed a family of flies that have proven to be highly effective for targeting species like stripers, bluefish, false albacore, and many others. This book goes beyond basic recipes, offering insight into the thought process behind Popovics's pattern development, a guide to key tying techniques, and detailed advice on how to fly fish most effectively.
More Information:
Ed Jaworowski is an internationally known fly-fishing columnist, speaker, and casting instructor. He is also an assistant professor of Classical Studies at Villanova University.
Bob Popovics is a founding member of the Atlantic Saltwater Flyrodders, contributing editor to Fly Fishing in Saltwaters, and the creator of several fly-fishing videos.
Size: 8.5x11 inches, 350 pages