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Good Flies: Favorite Trout Patterns & How They Got That Way
In Good Flies, John Gierach offers an intimate look behind the vise, sharing the fly patterns that have worked best for him over the years and how he ties them. This book chronicles his evolution as a fly tyer, from a hopeless tinkerer to an expert who has settled on a small handful of essential patterns that catch most of his trout. Gierach discusses the simple tools he prefers for tying, making a strong case for using natural materials. Throughout the book, he includes chapters on a variety of flies—dry flies, wet flies, nymphs, spinners, midges, caddis, hoppers, and streamers—complete with fishing stories and his signature musings on days both on the stream and at the vise.
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This book is an essential resource for fly-fishing enthusiasts who are curious about what a master angler keeps in his fly box. Gierach walks readers through the tools and techniques that have helped him refine his craft over the years. The book is punctuated with anecdotes and observations that reveal Gierach’s thoughtful approach to fly fishing and fly tying, all presented with his unique humor and down-to-earth style.
The book is richly illustrated with black-and-white drawings, offering a visual aid as Gierach describes the flies in his repertoire. It covers a range of patterns, from the smallest mayflies to large streamers, perfect for trout fishing in various circumstances. Good Flies provides a comprehensive look at the heart of fly fishing: the fly itself.
Size: 192 pages, 6x9 inches
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About the Author:
John Gierach is the author of numerous books on fly fishing, including Trout Bum, The View from Rat Lake, Where The Trout Are All As Long As Your Leg, Fishing Bamboo, and Standing in a River Waving a Stick. He is a columnist for Sports Afield and Fly Rod & Reel, and his work has appeared in Field & Stream, Fly Fisherman, Gray’s Sporting Journal, and many other national outdoor publications. Gierach lives in Lyons, Colorado.
I previously loaned my first copy of this book but my colleague was transferred then left for parts unknown. However I’m happy to have replaced what was gone. Fun read and reasonable reference…
I previously loaned my first copy of this book but my colleague was transferred then left for parts unknown. However I’m happy to have replaced what was gone. Fun read and reasonable reference…